Share and learn session explores Seclusion Review and Policy QI

A Health Innovation East Midlands and East Midlands Alliance ‘Share and learn’ session on a Seclusion Packs QI project was recently presented online by Dr David Ibrahim from Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT).
Seclusion is a form of restrictive practice to manage risks to others, in the form of violence and aggression linked with a mental disorder. It involves the supervised confinement and isolation of a patient away from other patients.
As part of the Mental Health Act code of practice, the required reviews of seclusion are laid out, including when a doctor must review patients who are subject to seclusion. Therefore, it is an important role for doctors working in mental health settings to undertake along with the multi-disciplinary team. It should always be used in line with least restrictive practice and therefore be for the shortest time that is needed to ensure the best outcomes for patients.
This was what initiated the Seclusion Review Quality Improvement project, which looked at the quality of doctors’ seclusion review documentation, the challenges faced by the team and the blueprint that was circulated to support the doctors with the requirements of the seclusion packs.
In this webinar, Dr Ibrahim presents his project on seclusion review packs which was followed by a review of the policy. Participants also talk about personal experiences they have seen in seclusion and challenges they have faced.
You can watch the 30-minute webinar here.