Alliance clinicians develop shared decision-making framework

Clinicians have agreed a new shared decision-making framework to support mental health, learning disability and autism services in the East Midlands to deliver the right care for patients, first time.
Collaborative working through the East Midlands Alliance has enabled clinical leaders to come together to develop the framework, which fosters collective responsibility and knowledge sharing across the region.
Before the formation of the Alliance, all clinical decisions around a service user’s care had to be made by individual organisations. On occasions, this might lead to gaps in the patient pathway where organisations were unable to provide the right bespoke care for complex cases.
Under the new shared clinical decision-making framework, however, Alliance organisations and collaboratives across the East Midlands are empowered to work together to make sure everyone gets the care they need.
The framework has been signed off by medical directors of all Alliance member organisations and will be used to guide clinical decisions throughout the region’s mental health, learning disability and autism services.
Dr Itai Matumbike, Medical Director at Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, was instrumental in developing the new framework.
He said: “As clinical leaders we know the importance of getting people the right care first time. We recognise that sometimes clinical risks arise which require creative solutions and cross-organisational working to deliver solutions in the spirit of collaboration and risk sharing.
“By working together to agree in advance our shared decision-making process, we will be able to make quicker, clearer decisions with a shared understanding for the care of complex people.”